Hi, I'm Annabel.
this website is primarily of my own design, but it was very thematically based off of a website I created earlier in 2024.
the font used is 0xproto.
i used astro-themes to implement an easy theme switcher, since i'm using tailwind.
all of my websites, including this one, are hosted on nest. i rather like caddy, the web server which nest uses.
most of my development is done on windows, but i will switch to wsl when needed.
my spaces on the internet
note: some pages may be down for maintenance or other reasons.
you are here!
rmfakecloud (open-source remarkable tablet cloud sync) instance reverse-proxied using caddy.
eternally work-in-progress rails website and gallery for hack club events.
linux terminal styled website. made during hack club's 2024 arcade event.
parametric equation generator for bezier curves of the third degree, given four control points.
year 12 sace thrive portfolio.
short-lived attempt at creating a digital garden in obsidian. published using obsidian-webpage-export.
an early version of a personal website.